Same Day Courier Services for Your Urgent Delivery Needs
#1 Local Courier Service in the St. Louis & Bi-State Area for over 25 Years
Non-Stop Secure Direct Service
Your package is picked up and delivered to its destination by the first available driver, with no stops made in between. Our direct service is for those situations that require urgency. The dedicated courier team at Ontime Express ensures your delivery is treated with the priority it deserves.
Need Emergency Delivery Service?
Sometimes things go wrong. And the only fix is in one place and you are in another. It happens and we can help. From auto parts to legal documents, medical supplies to a favorite dish, our EMERGENCY delivery service will pick up your critical package and get it where it needs to be, fast and secure.
Food Delivery Service
We deliver from some of St. Louis's best caterers and restaurants. Rush service only; a surcharge of $5.00 will be applied.