Unique Item Delivery Services
#1 Local Courier Service in the St. Louis & Bi-State Area for over 25 Years
What Do All These Things Have In Common?
Hint: We've delivered them all for our clients in the Greater St Louis area.
No babies included!

Your Delivery Items Need Special Handling
Some items can’t be trusted to just any delivery service. For these, you need the pros. Ontime Express ensures respectful, careful delivery for any item, large or small, weird or well-known. In fact, one of the truest values of our courier delivery service is our ability to know how to handle any item you put in our care.
We Know How to Handle Regulated Deliveries
We’ve carried court filings, catered meals, passports, palletized goods, pharmaceuticals, and gift baskets, just to name a few. Our drivers have a working knowledge of professional and compliance requirements that have proven to clients in the Bi-State area that they can rely on speedy delivery for even the most sensitive items.